
Welcome to Innovocative Theatre, where we believe theatre should be innovative, evocative, and thought provoking. We are based in the Tampa Bay area, and we strive to produce theatre that engages the audience in powerful character-driven stories. We think theatre should make you think; that theatre should open up a dialogue, and that theatre can be a way to safely examine differing point of views.


Welcome to Innovocative Theatre, where we believe theatre should be innovative, evocative, and thought provoking. We are based in the Tampa Bay area, and we strive to produce theatre that engages the audience in powerful character-driven stories. We think theatre should make you think; that theatre should open up a dialogue, and that theatre can be a way to safely examine differing point of views.

 Up Next

Up Next

a romantic comedy
by Marie-Claude Tremblay


Dating sucks.  Disappointing first kisses, dangerous sexcapades, dysfunctional relationships, and awful exes but did you thank those exes?  On her wedding day, Jaime does just that.  What could go wrong? 

Innovocative Theatre is thrilled to be participating in the third annual Tampa International Fringe Festival with an original premier of THANK YOU NOTES , written by Marie-Claude Tremblay.  For more information and to purchase tickets to this year’s Tampa International Fringe Festival visit:  www.tampafringe.org

In August…

“No, it’s not a typo. The new theatre company’s name is Innovocative Theatre, which immediately gets a red underline when I type it in my Word document (it thinks it’s a misspelling). There is obviously no such word, but it has been cleverly created by Staci Sabarsky and Dennis Duggan for their new theatre company, incorporating two of my favorite words, ‘innovative’ and ‘provocative.”

— Peter Nason —

“…we excitedly welcome Innovocative Theatre to our local theatre family. And the good news is, they score a win with their first outing.”

— Broadway World  —

“— Innovocative seems poised to become a significant player in a theater scene that urgently needs more production companies.”

— Creative Loafing —

“Staci Sabarsky, Artistic Director for Innovocative Theatre, makes her mark in our area with her strong direction of KEELY & DU–acting, stage movement, and pace are all top flight”

— Peter Nason — (Broadway World)

“Innovocative Theatre entered the Tampa theatre scene last year with a serviceable Proof; it was a good show with lots of potential, but they weren’t quite a local player yet. That has now changed. With the powerful KEELY & DU, they have finally arrived,”

— Peter Nason — (Broadway World)

Many thanks to our season sponsor:

Thank you Theatre Tampa Bay

for nominating KEELY AND DU for Outstanding Production in 2018

Many thanks for Creative Loafing, Best of the Bay

for nominating Staci Sabarsky for Best Director
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